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Hannah Walter is an emerging artist local to the Edmonton area (Amiskwacîwâskahikan) of Alberta, Canada. Her painting and sculpture practice reflects introspective moments of her life and imagination.


Hannah is currently enrolled in the final year of her Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree at the University

of Alberta.


Hannah's biggest and most constant source of inspiration is nature and its serendipity, having grown up with many outdoor experiences that shaped her upbringing like canoeing along the North Saskatchewan, camping, and hiking. Appropriately, even more of her life is spent looking for and appreciating beauty in ordinary moments of life than creating them herself in the studio. 


Mentors Hannah has studied under who have greatly influenced her art and/or life journey include Royden Mills, Kim Sala, Jesse Thomas, Melissa Baron, Kendall Watson, Micheal Cor, Seléne Huff, and many other remarkable people.


Some sources of art that Hannah highly values include: the intensity of Renaissance masters, the honesty in Rodin's sculptures, the imagination of the Surrealists, and the emotional mood and complexity of work by people who seem to have felt struggle, like Frida Kahlo and Goya.

Let's Get in Touch

For any inquiries about work available for purchase, requests for commissions, and more, please reach me by email:

To keep up with my art journey and additional content about my work, find me on Instagram:

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